Where is voco®St. John's Solihull located?
6.4 miles from Birmingham NEC and close to Touchwood Shopping Centre.
Does voco St. John's Solihull have a car park?
Yes, it is £10 for 24 hours.
What are the check-in and check-out times for voco®St. John's Solihull?
Check-in at voco® St. John's Solihull is from 2pm, and check-out time is 11am.
Can I pay for early check-in/late check-out at voco®St. John's Solihull?
Yes, contact the hotel for details.
Do you accept cash?
No, voco® St. John's Solihull is a cashless hotel.
How much is it in a taxi from voco®St. John's Solihull to the town centre or train station?
Around a 5 minute walk
Does voco®St. John's Solihull have a swimming pool?
Does voco®St. John's Solihull offer cots?
Yes, cots are available on request.
Can voco®St. John's Solihull book me a taxi?
Yes, at reception.
Is voco®St. John's Solihull pet friendly?
Yes, dogs only. £15 per dog.
Does voco®St. John's Solihull have conference rooms?
Yes, 13 rooms, the largest can hold up to 700.